Organizations and Projects

An organization is the top-level administrative entity in a Voyage account, with each account starting with a default organization. Billing, budget limits, and data controls are managed at the organization level. Rate limits and API keys are also managed at this level but can be further constrained within projects, which are sub-groupings of resources and settings often tied to a specific team or use case. An organization can contain multiple projects.

This guide will show you how to manage your organization and projects. All walkthroughs in this guide are done in the Voyage dashboard.

What are the different user roles within organizations and projects, and what permissions do they entail?

Organizations have two roles: Admin and Member. Admins have full control of and access to their organizations, while Members have more limited permissions. Admins can create and manage projects, invite members, and assign roles. They are also automatically included in all projects within their organization.

Within projects, Admins can designate members as project Owners, who have full control and access within their projects. A summary of these roles is provided in the table below.

AdminOrganizationFull control of and access to the organization and can:

- Manage all billing information and controls- Invite, remove, and manage all members
- Create, view, and archive all projects
- Create, revoke, and manage all API keys
- Manage all rate limits
- Manage all budget limits
- Manage all permissions to view usage information for others in the organization
OwnerProjectFull control of and access to the project and can:

- Invite, remove, and manage all project members
- Create, revoke, and manage all project API keys
- Manage project rate limits
- Manage project budget limits
MemberOrganization and ProjectCan create keys for projects they are members of. Can view created API keys and keys within projects they are Owners of. Has view-only access to all other entities. Can leave organization or project.
Granular role permissions

The following table details granular permissions for organization and project roles.

Org Admin
Project Owner
Org Usage / CostsFull accessView only or no access*View only or no access*
Org API KeysFull accessAccess to created keys and keys within owned projects.Access to created keys
Org MembersFull accessView only admins, owners, and members within the same project. Can leave org.View only admins, owners, and members within the same project. Can leave org.
Org Manage ProjectsFull accessView only projects user is a member of.View only projects user is a member of.
Org GeneralFull accessView onlyView only
Org BillingFull accessView onlyView only
Org Rate LimitsFull accessView onlyView only
Org Budget LimitsFull accessView onlyView only
Org Data ControlFull accessNo accessNo access
Org Terms of ServiceFull accessView onlyView only
Project GeneralFull accessView onlyView only
Project MembersFull accessFull accessView only. Can leave project.
Project UsageFull accessFull accessView only
Project Budget LimitsFull accessFull accessView only
Project API KeysFull accessFull accessAccess to created keys
Project Rate LimitsFull accessFull accessView only

* No access if organization Admin has set usage dashboard visibility to organization owners only.

Can I belong to multiple organizations?

Yes, you can belong to multiple organizations. An admin from an organization must invite you. To switch between organizations, hover over your organization’s name in the top-left of the dashboard and select the organization from the list.

How do I create a project?

You can create projects in two ways.

  1. Project selector. Hover on the project name in the upper left-corner of the page and select Add project.
  1. Manage projects. Navigate to the Manage Projects section under Organization. Click on the Create button in the upper right-corner of the page.

Both options will launch a Create a new project modal. Provide a name and click the Create button.

How can I add users to an organization and assign them to a project?

To add users to an organization, you must be an Admin. Navigate to the Members section under Organization in the navigation sidebar. Click the Invite button in the upper-right corner to open the Invite Team Members modal.

Enter the users' email addresses in the Emails field, assign their organization role using the Role dropdown, and select a project for them using the Project dropdown. Finally, click Invite. Invited users will receive an email to accept the invitation.