Text Embeddings

Model Choices

Voyage currently provides the following text embedding models:

Context Length (tokens)
Embedding Dimension
voyage-3-large32,0001024 (default), 256, 512, 2048The best general-purpose and multilingual retrieval quality. See blog post for details.
voyage-332,0001024Optimized for general-purpose and multilingual retrieval quality. See blog post for details.
voyage-3-lite32,000512Optimized for latency and cost. See blog post for details.
voyage-code-332,0001024 (default), 256, 512, 2048Optimized for code retrieval. See blog post for details.
voyage-finance-232,0001024Optimized for finance retrieval and RAG. See blog post for details.
voyage-law-216,0001024Optimized for legal retrieval and RAG. Also improved performance across all domains. See blog post for details.
voyage-code-216,0001536Optimized for code retrieval (17% better than alternatives) / Previous generation of code embeddings. See blog post for details.

Need help deciding which text embedding model to use? Check out our FAQ.

Older models

The following are our earlier models, which are still accessible from our API. We recommend using the new models above for better quality and efficiency. Our latest models listed in the above table will be strictly better than the legacy models in all aspects, such as quality, context length, latency, and throughput.

Context Length (tokens)Embedding DimensionDescription
voyage-multilingual-232,0001024Optimized for multilingual retrieval and RAG. See blog post for details.
voyage-large-2-instruct16,0001024Top of MTEB leaderboard . Instruction-tuned general-purpose embedding model optimized for clustering, classification, and retrieval. For retrieval, please use input_type parameter to specify whether the text is a query or document. For classification and clustering, please use the instructions here . See blog post for details. We recommend existing voyage-large-2-instruct users to transition to voyage-3.
voyage-large-216,0001536General-purpose embedding model that is optimized for retrieval quality (e.g., better than OpenAI V3 Large). Please transition to voyage-3.
voyage-240001024General-purpose embedding model optimized for a balance between cost, latency, and retrieval quality. Please transition to voyage-3-lite.
voyage-lite-02-instruct40001024[Deprecated] Instruction-tuned for classification, clustering, and sentence textual similarity tasks, which are the only recommended use cases. Please transition to voyage-3.
voyage-0240001024[Deprecated] This is our pilot-version v2 embedding model. We kindly ask you to transition to voyage-3 as detailed above.
voyage-0140001024[Deprecated] This is our v1 embedding model. Please transition to voyage-3.
voyage-lite-0140001024[Deprecated] This is our v1 embedding model. Please transition to voyage-3.
voyage-lite-01-instruct40001024[Deprecated] Tweaked on top of voyage-lite-01 for classification and clustering tasks. Please transition to voyage-3.

Python API

Voyage text embeddings are accessible in Python through the voyageai package. Please install the voyageai package, set up the API key, and use the voyageai.Client.embed() function to vectorize your inputs.

voyageai.Client.embed (texts : List[str], model : str, input_type : Optional[str] = None, truncation : Optional[bool] = None, output_dimension: Optional[int] = None, output_dtype: Optional[str] = "float")


  • texts (List[str]) - A list of texts as a list of strings, such as ["I like cats", "I also like dogs"]. Currently, we have two constraints on the list:
    • The maximum length of the list is 128.
    • The total number of tokens in the list is at most 1M for voyage-3-lite; 320K for voyage-3 and voyage-2; and 120K for voyage-3-large, voyage-code-3, voyage-large-2-instruct, voyage-finance-2, voyage-multilingual-2, voyage-law-2, and voyage-large-2.
  • model (str) - Name of the model. Recommended options: voyage-3-large, voyage-3, voyage-3-lite, voyage-code-3, voyage-finance-2, voyage-law-2.
  • input_type (str, optional, defaults to None) - Type of the input text. Options: None, query, document.
    • When input_type is None , the embedding model directly converts the inputs (texts) into numerical vectors. For retrieval/search purposes, where a "query" is used to search for relevant information among a collection of data, referred to as "documents", we recommend specifying whether your inputs (texts) are intended as queries or documents by setting input_type to query or document , respectively. In these cases, Voyage automatically prepends a prompt to your inputs (texts) before vectorizing them, creating vectors more tailored for retrieval/search tasks. Embeddings generated with and without the input_type argument are compatible.
    • For transparency, the following prompts are prepended to your input.
      • For query, the prompt is "Represent the query for retrieving supporting documents: ".
      • For document, the prompt is "Represent the document for retrieval: ".
  • truncation (bool, optional, defaults to True) - Whether to truncate the input texts to fit within the context length.
    • If True, an over-length input texts will be truncated to fit within the context length, before vectorized by the embedding model.
    • If False, an error will be raised if any given text exceeds the context length.
  • output_dimension (int, optional, defaults to None) - The number of dimensions for resulting output embeddings.
    • Most models only support a single default dimension, used when output_dimension is set to None (see model embedding dimensions above).
    • voyage-3-large and voyage-code-3 support the following output_dimension values: 2048, 1024 (default), 512, and 256.
  • output_dtype (str, optional, defaults to float) - The data type for the embeddings to be returned. Options: float, int8, uint8, binary, ubinary. float is supported for all models. int8, uint8, binary, and ubinary are supported by voyage-3-large and voyage-code-3. Please see our FAQ for more details about output data types.
    • float: Each returned embedding is a list of 32-bit (4-byte) single-precision floating-point numbers. This is the default and provides the highest precision / retrieval accuracy.
    • int8 and uint8: Each returned embedding is a list of 8-bit (1-byte) integers ranging from -128 to 127 and 0 to 255, respectively.
    • binary and ubinary: Each returned embedding is a list of 8-bit integers that represent bit-packed, quantized single-bit embedding values: int8 for binary and uint8 for ubinary. The length of the returned list of integers is 1/8 of output_dimension (which is the actual dimension of the embedding). The binary type uses the offset binary method. Please refer to our FAQ for details on offset binary and binary embeddings.


  • A EmbeddingsObject, containing the following attributes:
    • embeddings (List[List[float]] or List[List[int]]) - A list of embeddings for the corresponding list of input texts. Each embedding is a vector represented as a list of floats when output_dtype is set to float and as a list of integers for all other values of output_dtype (int8, uint8, binary, ubinary).
    • total_tokens (int) - The total number of tokens in the input texts.


import voyageai

vo = voyageai.Client()
# This will automatically use the environment variable VOYAGE_API_KEY.
# Alternatively, you can use vo = voyageai.Client(api_key="<your secret key>")

texts = [
    "The Mediterranean diet emphasizes fish, olive oil, and vegetables, believed to reduce chronic diseases.",
    "Photosynthesis in plants converts light energy into glucose and produces essential oxygen.",
    "20th-century innovations, from radios to smartphones, centered on electronic advancements.",
    "Rivers provide water, irrigation, and habitat for aquatic species, vital for ecosystems.",
    "Apple’s conference call to discuss fourth fiscal quarter results and business updates is scheduled for Thursday, November 2, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. PT / 5:00 p.m. ET.",
    "Shakespeare's works, like 'Hamlet' and 'A Midsummer Night's Dream,' endure in literature."

# Embed the documents
result = vo.embed(texts, model="voyage-3", input_type="document")
    [0.005100732669234276, -0.04479769989848137, 0.023507222533226013, ...],
    [0.014439012855291367, -0.05365084111690521, -0.019395021721720695, ...],
    [0.048720553517341614, -0.05633316561579704, -0.00036325387191027403, ...],
    [0.011985979974269867, -0.10603463649749756, -0.021402806043624878, ...],
    [0-0.004056323319673538, -0.029253670945763588, 0.0067815352231264114, ...],
    [0.00726663414388895, -0.0137932812795043, -0.015689561143517494, ...]

Deprecated Functions

The following functions are deprecated and will be removed in the future.

get_embedding(text, model="voyage-01", input_type=None)


  • text - A single document/query as a string, such as "I like cats" .
  • model - Name of the model. Options: voyage-01 (default), voyage-lite-01.
  • input_type - Type of the input text. Defalut to None, meaning the type is unspecified. Other options: query, document.


  • An embedding vector (a list of floating-point numbers) for the document.

get_embeddings(list_of_text, model="voyage-01", input_type=None)


  • list_of_text - A list of documents as a list of strings, such as ["I like cats", "I also like dogs"]. The maximum length of the list is 64.
  • model - Name of the model. Options: voyage-01 (default), voyage-lite-01.
  • input_type - Type of the input text. Defalut to None, meaning the type is unspecified. Other options: query, document.


  • A list of embedding vectors.


Voyage text embeddings can be accessed by calling the endpoint POST https://api.voyageai.com/v1/embeddings. Please refer to the Text Embeddings API Reference for the specification.


curl https://api.voyageai.com/v1/embeddings \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $VOYAGE_API_KEY" \
  -d '{
    "input": "Sample text",
    "model": "voyage-3",
    "input_type": "document"
curl https://api.voyageai.com/v1/embeddings \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $VOYAGE_API_KEY" \
  -d '{
    "input": ["Sample text 1", "Sample text 2"],
    "model": "voyage-3",
    "input_type": "document"

TypeScript Library

Voyage text embeddings are accessible in TypeScript through the Voyage TypeScript Library, which exposes all the functionality of our text embeddings endpoint (see Text Embeddings API Reference).